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Author: Jonathan Cope, 312 pages, paperback. Published by The Christadelphian in March 2015.


God has always been the God of Israel. The promises made to Abraham the Hebrew were repeated to Isaac and Jacob. Even Jesus declared that his mission was to the house of Israel. But God has always made provision for those outside the Commonwealth of Israel, as the numerous examples contained in this book show, He is a God not willing that any should perish.


This book contains 36 chapters each of a convenient length and style that they would be a very good basis for a reading study class. A 16 page scripture index is included.


The subjects for each chapter are:

  • Introduction



    Pharaoh's dealing with Joseph and his family

    Pharaoh's daugther

    A mixed multitude

    Zipporah and her family

    The kindness of the Kenites

    Caleb the Kenezite

    Rahab the harlot

    The Gibeonites

    Jael and Heber

    Ruth the Moabitess

    David's army

    Uriah the Hittite

    Shobi the Ammonite

    Araunah the Jebusite

    Obed-edom the Gittite

    Hiram King of Tyre

    The queen of Sheba

    The widow of Zarephath

    Naaman the Syrian

    Elisha and the Syrian army

    Jonah and the mariners

    Jonah and the Ninevites

    The Rechabites

    Ebed-melech the Ethiopian

    In the days of Daniel

    In the days of Esther

    The return from captivity

    Wise men from the east

    John the Baptist

    The centurion at Capernaum

    The Syrophenician woman

    The Ethiopian eunuch



These giants of faith are both a challenge and a source of great encouragement to any seeking to serve the God of Israel in these last days.

A Light to the Gentiles

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