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Author: John M. Hellawell. hardback 415 pages. Published by The Christadelphian in 2014.


 This book is a very extensive commentary on the book of Acts. The arrangement of the commentary is not quite verse-by-verse but tends to deal with topics and hence a small cluster of verses. The Scripture text from the ASV (American Standard Version 1901) is included at the head of each section and is printed against a grey background for ease of identification when searching for commentary on a particular part of Acts.


In order to provide additional information, the text is punctuated by 60 "Digressions" in a way that is readily identifiable, so that that may be passed over if the reader prefers.


In addition the book includes the following which gives an idea of the extensive information contained in the book:

1. A short chapter on events subsequent to the conclusion of Acts

2. An Epilogue

3. A 10 page bibliography

4. A 21 page of correlations between Acts and the Epistles of Paul

5. A 8 page scripture index

6. A 12 page topical index

7. An author index

8. 6 maps (one coloured map of Paul's journeys drawn like a map of the London underground is a novel but useful feature)

9. 30 coloured photographs (many of them taken by the author).

Beginning at Jerusalem

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