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Author: Harry Tennant, paper back, 179 pages. Published 2006 by The Christadelphian (CMPA).

This selection of 31 exhortations each based on the daily readings is drawn from the large legacy of notes left by the late Brother Harry Tennant. They are representative of the man who with his spiritual insight and wealth of experience could advise others on the matter of exhorting:

“The word of exhortation is no set speech, no display of oratory, no occasion for self-preening or exhibition of a good memory or a discerning taste for good English. The world has enough of that. Rather it is that ‘through comfort of the scriptures we might have hope’. Let the brother seek to follow Paul in his words when he ‘exhorted them all that with purpose of heart they would cleave unto the Lord’: follow him in his true service for Christ when he comforted ‘the souls of the disciples and exhorted them to continue in the faith’.”

Among his papers, Harry left this message to be read at his funeral. "Remember that there is no joy of the Truth, no hope like the hope of Israel, and no comfort like the peace of God which passes all understanding. Hold fast to the word of life; live the life of full service to God; shun all that is not pure and wholesome; keep faith with Christ Jesus our Lord and with one another, and with the Lord God our Father who will bless you abundantly above all that you can ask or think. Remember, the best is yet to come! Fare ye well."

Comfort of the Scriptures

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