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Author:John Thomas, red hard back, 5 volume set. Published by The Christadelphian in 1981. It is a reprint of the 1936 edition and is practically verbatim reprint of the first edition of 1861. 

This product is sold as the complete set of 5 volumes (individual volumes are available new from The Christadelphian, or second hand through this web site).

A three part  index is included with each set.

1. An alphabetic list of all the subjects considered in the 5 volumes with the volume and page number for the black covered 1861 edition.

2. A complete list of all the passages of scripture explained or referred to with the volume and page number for the black covered 1861 edition.

3. A comparison table between the black covered 1861 and the red covered edition (1936) which is currently available.

Eureka - 5 Volumes, Red Hard Cover

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