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Author: Randall Harris, soft cover 531 pages. Published by Starmonics in September 2015.


Evolution is the cause of everything in the universe, or so prevailing higher learning would have us believe. But is this based in scientific truth? Could much of what the media and evolutionists present about the origins of life, mankind and the universe , be contrary to the real scientific facts?


Evolution Unraveled dissects every major evolutionary step and comparesit with the facts that science already knows. Written in everyday non scientific language this book will challenge any leanings you have towards believing in evolution.


In this book, you will discover that the so called science of evolution is not what you thought it was:

  • Does science confirm the big bang?
  • Why can't scientists create life from inanimate matter?
  • What did Charles Darwin really say about evolution?
  • What does the fossil record say about the origins of human kind?
  • Why is Evolutionary Theory still a theory and not a fact?
  • Can any creature change itself into something else, and has this ever happened?

Evolution Unraveled - How science disproves evolution

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