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Author: Compilation. Soft cover 48 pages. Published by the Christadelphian Scripture Study Service 2022.


This book contains a series of articles which appeared in The Lampstand during the course of 2020 dealing with some principles and practical matters relating to our fellowship in the Truth. The recent promotion of "Open Fellowship" in some quarters was one of the driving factors that promoted the writing of these articles.


The nine articles are:

Fellowship in the Gospel - Carl Parry

Fellowship and the Importance of the Statement of Faith - James Mansfield

The Last Appeal of our Lord - Brian Luke

The Real Enemy

Biblical Fellowship - Rob Thiele

Open Fellowship and the Truth - The Lampstand Committee

The Truth as it is in Jesus - Ron Cowie

Open Fellowship - Questions and Answers - The Lampstand Committee

  • How can we truly define who is in fellowship with God?
  • How much truth does someone need to know in order to be saved?
  • Can God allow for misunderstanding in those who genuinely seek him in the churches?
  • God's plan and purpose is much greater and grander than our relatively small community. Others must surely be involved.
  • Shouldn't fellowship be based on common ground and not on the negatives we don't agree on?
  • Is a person who still holds our beliefs acceptable even if he goes to a church which doesn't care about his beliefs?
  • There is a vast spectrum of people who might be "in the church" with a range of beliefs that in some cases may be quite similar to our own. How different to our beliefs do they need to be in order to be walking in darkness?

   General Fellowship - Questions and Answers - The Lampstand Committee

  • I have heard it said that once a believer is baptised into Christ, they are always in Christ and since one cannot be unbaptised they can never be out of fellowship with God. Is that correct?
  • A brother who was not coming to the meeting any more argued that his fellowship was between himself and God and was not dependent on attending the meeting. How do you view this stand?
  • Judas was at the table of the Lord and partook of the emblems. How then can we prevent others who are not in  fellowship from partaking of the emblems?
  • Where is the scriptural authority to exclude from the emblems of Christ those members from whom fellowship has been withdrawn?
  • In Australia, our fellowship is based on the BASF in harmony with the explanations outlined in the Australian Unity Agreement. Why is this different from other countries?
  • Aren't the BASF and CC Addendum man-made documents which carry no real weight in matters of fellowship?
  • Wasn't the CC Addendum written to facilitate the merging of two different views and therefore today it can accommodate alternative views?
  • I have heard it said that a simple assent by brothers and sisters  to the words contained in the Unity Agreement without further explanation or addition is a sufficient basis for fellowship. How do you view this statement? 

Fellowship: Privilege and Responsibility

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