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Author: Edward Whittaker. Compiled by Reg Carr. 236 pages. Published in 1987 by The Testimony.

This book is a collection of 21 articles written by the author between 1959 and 1986 and published in The Testimony. It includes a 12 page Scripture Index.

The articles in this volume are:

Inspiration and Revelation

The Canon of Scripture

The Work of the Holy Spirit

Prophecies about Israel: Principles of Interpretation

The Genesis record of Creation

The Antediluvian Patriarchs

Psalm 119: a chapter of life

The Enigma of Ecclesiastes

The Song of Solomon: a More Reasonable Approach

The Prophecy of Isaiah: An introduction

The Immanuel Prophecies

The Suffering Servant in Isaiah

The Work of the Angels in Daniel 10 and 12

Parables by the Sea

The Preface of Luke's gospel

The Parable of the Unjust Steward

The Rich Man and Lazarus

In and Around the Gospel of John

Michael and the Body of Moses

Jude and the Book of Enoch

The Lamb Before the Throne


The second volume of the collection was published in 2015 and is also available on this website.

For the Study and Defence of the Holy Scripture Vol 1

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