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Author: Edward Whittaker. Compiled by Reg Carr. 207 pages. Published in 2015 by The Testimony.

This book is a collection of 24 articles written by the author between 1959 and 1986 and published in The Testimony. The first volume of the collection was published in 1987 and is also available.

The articles in this volume are:

Bible prophecy: revelation of speculation?

"Let us make man in our image"

Crossing the waters of Jordan

The Doctrine of the Virgin Birth

Christ and the Angels

"Even as I overcame"

"Saved; yet so by fire"

Do we experience the fellowship of the Spirit?

Moses in later revelation

"That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet"

The problem of Immanuel

The Gogian Invasion

Daniel 11 and 12 in the Mount Olivet Prophecy

The Later Days in Daniel 11

The guiding star

"How many loaves have ye?"

"If thine eye offend thee?"

The Day of the Son of Man

The Mount Olivet Prophecy - 4 articles

The presence of Christ

"The elements shall melt"

For the Study and Defence of the Holy Scriptures Vol 2

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