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Author: C.C.Walker, hard back. First published by The Christadelphian in 1929 as Theophany - A study of God-Manifestation. 

An understanding of God Manifestation is fundamental to understanding of God's purpose with the earth. It is an explanation of how God has revealed Himself to mankind, and His desire to be glorified in thise who He has created.

The subjects dealt with include:

The true form and pronounciation of the divine name YAHWEH, erronoously written and pronounced Jehovah.

When was God's name (YAHWEH) "made known".

Bible useage of the term "Name", "In the name", "For a name".

"The Fathers" : Abrham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph.

Moses "at the Bush".

In the wilderness

Cheribum and Seraphim

God's "Mighty Ones".



"Emmanuel, which is being interpreted is God with us"

"In his Name", "Bringing many Sons to Glory", "The Comforter"

The Revelation.

God Manifestation or Theophany

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