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Author:Islip Collyer, paper back, 52 pages. Published in 1995 by the Christadelphian Scripture Study Service (CSSS).

The book contains a collection of three letters, written over 70 years ago. The author was 60 years old when he wrote the first letter but, as he says on pages 4 & 5, "It is quite possible.....for an elder to sympathise with the young....With a keen memory of early days... You must remember that, although you have never been my age, I have been yours..."

The first letter written in 1936 deals with the faith held by Christadelphians at large, the second written in 1937 looks at personal faith. The third letter was written in June 1939 as world war loomed, as was to prepare the minds of his readers for the trials that were coming.

This booklet was first prepared for the 21st Australasian Christadelphian Youth Conference held in Adelaide in October 1991.

Letters to Young Christadelphians

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