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Author: Jonathan Cope. 232 pages soft cover. Published by The Christadelphian 2021.


For faithful disciples of our Lord and Master, “looking unto Jesus” is an essential part of everyday life. They consider his example, seeking to learn from him, attempting to live like him. They rejoice in his greatness, his mercy, his love, his gentleness. They see in him one who – whilst bearing the nature of his fellows – manifested his God and Father to perfection. Right throughout God’s word, we find prophecies of Jesus Christ, and allusions to his work. Such things abound with encouragement, with challenges, with promises for us. Do we look unto him? Do we long for his coming as we should? And will he find faith on the earth when he comes again?


The author takes numerous examples from the scriptures, and from them teaches us to look for Jesus almost everywhere in the Bible. The Master  is certainly always there, sometimes in the most unexpected places. This should not surprise us, as the Lord Jesus Christ is at the very centre of God's purpose with his creation. 

Looking Unto Jesus

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