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A compilation of the work of 31 brothers and sisters. Soft cover, 304 pages.  Published by The Christadelphian in August 2024. 

There are 60 short chapters written by 31 authors. It also includes a comprehensive scripture index. 

This book gives a careful 'hearing' to sixty of the conversations of Jesus recorded in the Gospels, by paying close attention to the text of the Lord's words, and considering the context of these conversations in both time and place. The various writers have sought to gain insights into the Lord's personal characteristics and feeling. It is hoped that this volume of studies may contribute to a keener, appreciation of "the mind of Christ".

As far as the editors are aware this is the first time a publication has brought together a commentary on so many of the Lord's recorded conversations.
Search our website  under the title of the book or Never 
man spake like this man as it appears in the KJV, for further details.

Some of the Chapter headings: 

  • My Father's business

    To fulfil all righteousness

    Tempted by the devil

    Behold an Israelite indeed

    Mine hour is not yet come

    Except a man be born again

    I who speak to you am he

    White already to harvest

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No One Ever Spoke Like This Man

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