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Author:compilation of work  by 18 authors, hard back, 520 pages

 Includes a 63 page introduction to the whole Psalter.

As  with the other three volumes in the four volume set, each Psalm is dealt with separately. The format used is:

1. The Psalm as it appears in the scriptures (KJV).

2. Structural (Section) Analysis

3. Authorship, background and general theme including special highlights for some Psalms.

4. A section by section commentary.

As an example  Psalm 132 covers 18 pages. 1 page for the Psalm as it appears in the scriptures, 0.5 page for the structural analysis, 2.5 pages for the Authorship, background and general theme and 14 pages of section by section commentary.

Psalms 1 - 41

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