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Author: Michael Lewis. Soft Cover 162 pages. Published by the Christadelphian in 2020.


The wonderful hope of the Bible is the return of the Lord Jesus Christ to establish the kingdom of God on earth. The Bible gives us indicators that God's purpose is moving towards its completion through world events that are a fulfilment of Bible prophecy. These are 'signs of the times', generating excitement and strengthening Faith.


In his Mount Olivet prophecy about these signs, Jesus emphasises to his disciples the need to watch - but what signs should we be looking for? And did Jesus just mean keeping an eye on world events and current affairs, or is there more to it?


The guide has six sections:

1. As in the days of Noah

2. Israel - the prophecies section

3. Israel - the fulfilment

4. The Northern Invader

5. Daniel and Revelation

6. Where do we go next?



Study Guides


This book is part of a series of Study Guides published by The Christadelphian which are designed to help all those for whom Bible study is new or difficult, and should be especially helpful to anyone with little background knowledge of the Bible. They should be used alongside, and never instead of the Bible.

Signs of the Times Study Guide

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