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Author: compilation, paper back, 150 pages. Published by The Christadelphian (CMPA) in 1991.

The material in this book first appeared as a series of articles in The Christadelphian magazine between January and December 1990. An appendix written by Alfred Nicholls is included dealing with the Scriptual and historical reasons for the existence and development of the Statement of Faith. This 26 page appendix appeared in The Christadelphian , June - December 1989. A second appendix contains the Statement of Faith (BASF) itself, together with the associated scripture references.

A short 3 page subject index is included.

The 12 articles and their authors are:

1. The Bible -wholly inspired and infallible -Alfred Nicholls

2. Concerning God - Fred Pearce

3. Concerning Mortal Man - Tecwyn Morgan

4. Concerning the nature of man - Michael Ashton

5. The saving work of Christ - Michael Ashton

6. The Promise of a Kingdom - Michael Owen

7. The only name under Heaven - Trevor Pritchard

8. The things of the Kingdom - John Morris

9. Resurrection and Judgement - Harry Tennant

10. The Millenium and after - Stanley Owen

11. Doctrines to be rejected - Michael Ashton

12. The commandments of Christ - Harry Tennant

Studies in the Statement of Faith

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