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Author: Stephen Lee Myers. 572 pages, soft cover. Published in 2015 by Simon & Schuster.

In this epic tale, the author charts Vladimir Putin's path to power, as he emerged from obscurity to become one of the world's most conflicted and important leaders.

Putin came to office in 2000 as a reformer, cutting taxes and expanding property rights, bringing a measure of order and eventually prosperity to millions whose only experience of democracy in the early years following the Soviet collapse was instability, poverty and criminality. But soon Putin orchestrated a new kind of authoritarianism, consolidating power, reasserting his country's might, brutally crushing revolts and swiftly dispatching dissenters, even  as he retained the support of many.

Former New York Times Moscow Bureau Chief Steven Lee Myers has followed Putin for several years and gives us a full and engaging account which will be of particular interest to students of Bible prophecy.

The NewTsar - the rise and reign of Vladimir Putin

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